Honoring and Giving Back to Hawai’i
Show Hawai’i Aloha
The mission of Show Hawai’i Aloha is to Give back to Hawai’i. By bridging resources on & to the islands to support Hawai’ian culture, the health of the ‘aina, & the vision of rooted sustainability in Hawai’i.
Contribute Directly to People on the Ground Who Need Relief
These links and resources have been confirmed by people on Maui island to be directly supportive of those in need.
Did you know?
“On Jan. 17, 1893, Queen Lili`uokalani of the independent kingdom of Hawai`i was overthrown as she was arrested at gunpoint by U.S. Marines.
American businessmen, particularly sugar plantation owners, led by Lorrin Thurston, had supported annexation of the islands to the United States.” - The Zinn Education Project
Also, the Kingdom of Hawai’i had electricity before the White House!
Living Into a Thriving Vision.
The flourishing of Earth’s ‘aina is a long-term endeavor.
Show Hawai’i Aloha is dedicated to sharing grassroots resources, education, and organizations doing pono work on the ground in Hawai’i.
“Pale ke ao - protect what is here now.”
— Facing Hawai’i’s Future: Essential Information about GMOs