Giving Hawai’i Aloha back.

Malama Honua.

Emergency Relief

Beloved Maui needs support to rebuild in ways that are inherently respectful and honoring of Hawaiians & Hawaiian culture.

See some current efforts here.

The goal in sharing these efforts is to get as much resource directly to the people who need it as possible.

Building Maui Up

Many issues facing Maui, and Hawai’i, are deeply rooted and need to be respectfully addressed at causal levels with long-term vision.

Aloha on island is alive and thriving. Let’s support our Maui ohana in continuing to live in accord with Hawaiian culture, which is deeply rooted in the wisdom of ‘aina.

Growing A Bright Future

This website is meant to be a hub of resources and connection in support of Hawaiian ‘aina and ohana.

I’ll do my best to share resources and organizations doing legitimate grassroots organizing and supporting the community in pono ways in the initiatives section.

I invite you to share any grassroots organizations and efforts in Hawai’i who are doing pono work.

Educating and Informing

I will do my best to share helpful education and information through Show Hawai’i Aloha.

Showing Hawai’i aloha includes witnessing and showing up to honor our own kuleana in the world.

Oahu has a right to clean water (wai). We must insist that Red Hill be shut down and cleaned up. See Initiatives for more information.

All Hawaiian islands and ‘aina everywhere deserve to be free of life-threatening toxins, in the near and long run.

Please take a look at a variety of educational resources here.

Supporting Hawai’i

Supporting the local Hawai’ian economy, and encouraging aloha ‘aina through sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices.

Sharing a Healthier World

Did you know? Hawai’i has been subject the most open air experiments of GMOs. Let’s reject the vision of destruction this represents and is attempting to permanently impose.

Let’s create the vision of flourishing, sustainability, and thriving for all people, beings & ‘aina.

Aloha Ke Akua

Hi, my name is Shells. I have received abundant and gracious love and support from Hawai’i, especially after living on Maui at a pivotal time.

I feel it is an aspect of my kuleana to respectfully reciprocate the care I received with Hawai’i as best I can.

After asking our Great Creator what I could do to after the fires affected beloved Maui, the inspiration to create this site, Show Hawai’i Aloha came to me.

This site is intended to be a resource and is an opportunity and invitation to continue to build right relationship as a global community.

By connecting the dots of awareness about existing initiatives, educational resources & grassroots efforts, this site is a resource intended to honor Hawaiian culture, ‘Aina, and support the creation and restoration of a thriving world for all based on wise justice and sustainability.

Thank you for being here.

You can find out more about my work at